Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Girls on the Run by Bella Ryan

Once a girl named Bella was going to a new program called Girls on the Run at her school. They got to chose their own nickname Bella chose Panda Bear. She was baffled to find out how fun it was. They gave her a t-shirt and a water boddle. Mr. Dewitt's insights were to run around the mobbles and to suport each other. My instinct told me I would have a blast doing this. The Girls on the run program proposed that we do a three mile run. This tempted me to run away. The essence of a good runner is a good attitude. The indication of the weather man was that it would be very sunny. So we had no problem being outside. Even if it was wet outside, my shoes are registent to water. After running we went inside. They gave us a snack. My thoughts were what a great day, what a great program. It might be a struggle to run three miles, but I know my friends are there for me. Everything is possible if you put your mind to it!!!